k a r a s s o w i t s c h . c a

Architecture is not Technology


Conclusion: The space of differentiation, educational laboratory.
It is possible to conclude that a vast area of work is made available in the space of differentiation within architecture at the basis whereby we are originally granted the means for technology. The past century and the Modern — the power that technology and science make available — has served to reveal a threshold. Husserl stated that the field that pure phenomenology opens is fertile ground for philosophy (Husserl 1981). Fertile ground for architecture is the space of differentiation. An education of architects at the crux of architecture means serving humanity to support a function of revealing which is comprehended by Nature, whereby humanity’s role in Nature then becomes active. That intention is the super-ordinate programme: To serve human aspiration — spirituality. In serving that, the architectural profession becomes available to the environment, beyond buildings and parks, toward all that Nature, if asked properly, can facilitate. Providing for the presencing of architecture then supersedes technology as limitation as the duty at the original granting of humanity to reveal its gathering essence again — “ever learn[ing] to dwell”.

The value of the profession will increase.

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