k a r a s s o w i t s c h . c a

Architecture is not Technology


This is an abbreviated version presentation of a paper that was published in its full extents in:
UIAE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN UNIVERSITY. 2014, International Conference, Unspoken Issues in Architectural Education, 2014, eds. Prof. Dr. Özgür Dinçyürek, Prof. Dr. Şebnem Hoşkara, Associate Prof. Dr. S. Müjdem Vural, Eastern Mediterranean Press, Gazimagusa, North Cyprus.

ANONYMOUS. 1922 (13thC CE) The Cloud of Unknowing. trans. Eveln Underhill. Mineola, NY: Dover.

CHANDRA, R. (SHAJAHANPUR) 2009, Complete Works of Ram Chandra, vol.1. Spiritual Heirarchy Publication Trust: Kolkata.

CUFF, DANA, 1991. Architecture: The Story of Practice, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA

EMBREE, DR. LESTER, 2005. Continuing Husserlian Phenomenology. On the Future of Husserlian Phenomenology, eds. Saulius Geniusas, Dominique Lavoie, Nishad Patnaik, The New School for Social Research, The Husserl Archives in Memory of Alfred Shutz http://www.newschool.edu/nssr/husserl/Future/Part%20One/PartOneFrames/PartOne.html

GUTMANN, R. 2010. Architecture from the Outside In: Selected Essays by Robert Gutmann, eds. Cuff, Dana, John Wreidt, Princeton Architectural Press: New York.

HEIDEGGER, M. 1971. Building Dwelling Thinking. Poetry, Language, Thought, trans. Albert Hofstadter, Harper Colophn Books, New York.

HEIDEGGER, M. 2011. Die Technik und Die Kehre, Klett Cotta: Stuttgart.

HEIDEGGER, M. 1977. The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays. Trans. William Lovitt, Harper: New York.

HUSSERL, E. 1981. Pure Phenomenology, Its Method and Its Field of Investigation. Husserl: Shorter Works, trans. Robert Welsh Jordan, eds. Peter McCormick, Fredrick A. Elliston, Universtiy of Notre Dame Press: Notre Dame, IN

JUNG, CARL GUSTAV. 1977 Mysterium Coniunctionis, The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, trans. R. F. C. Hull, Gerhard Adler. , Bollingen Series XX, vol.14, Princeton: Princeton Universtiy Press.

JUNG, CARL GUSTAV. 1976 Psychological Types. The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, trans. R. F. C. Hull, Gerhard Adler, Bollingen Series XX, vol.6, Princeton: Princeton Universtiy Press.

LARSON, G. J., BHATTACHARYA, R. S. 2008, Yoga: India's Philosophy of Meditation, Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, vol.12. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited: Delhi.

McCARTER, R. 2009, Louis I. Kahn. Architecture in Detail, Phaidon Press.

MALPAS, J. 2014 Rethinking Dwelling: Heidegger and the Question of Place. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology Newsletter, ed. Dr. David Seamon, vol.25, No.1, pp. 15-23.

NORBERG-SCHULZ, C. 1979. Kahn, Heidegger and the Language of Architecture. Oppositions 18: A Journal for Ideas and Criticism in Architecture, eds. Kurt Foster Peter Eisenmann, Kenneth Frampton, Mario Gandelsonas, Anthony Vidler, vol.18, pp. 28-47.

PATAÑJALI, PRABHAVANANDA (SWAMI) 1983 How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Pata Trans. Swami Prabhavananda. Hollywood CA: Vedanta Press.

PATAÑJALI, JUDGE, WILLIAM Q. CONNELLY, H. J. (1889) The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali. Pasedena, CA. Theosophical University Press Online. <http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/patanjal/patan-hp.htm>

PATAÑJALI, VIVEKANANDA (SWAMI) 1978 Raja-Yoga or Conquering the Internal Nature. Dt. Champawat 262 524 Uttarakhand, India: Advaita Ashrama.

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